Below is a quick overview of each CodeIgniter folder, starting from the repository root.
- application/ – stores the CI core extensions, libraries, configuration, cache, controllers, views, helpers, hooks, languages, logs, models and third_party extensions
- application/cache/ – stores the application cache
- application/config/ – stores the autoload, main configuration, database, constants, doctypes, foreign characters, hooks, migration, memcache, mimers, profiler, smileys and user agents settings
- application/core/ – CI core functionality extensions
- application/controllers/ – your application controllers
- application/libraries/ – libraries
- application/languages/[language_name]/ – language files
- application/helpers/ – stores helpers
- application/logs/ – application logs
- application/models/ – your business logic
- application/views/ – your view files
- application/third_party/ – third party extensions
- core/ – CI core functionality