Previously, an entry was written on how to Install Capistrano 3, on Debian. Here is an alternate, quicker way, of installing Capistrano using RVM, on any flavour of Linux – authored by Omar Tamer.
This tutorial requires curl, and root level privileges.
First stage is to install the ruby version manager, RVM:
Step 1: Download and execute the install script:
curl -sSL | bash
Step 2: Follow instructions on screen, to add the RVM script to your bash profile, and enable RVM script functions.
Second stage, is to install ruby and Capistrano:
Step 1: Invoke the RVM install script, for ruby-2.1.2:
rvm install ruby-2.1.2
Step 2: Create a gemset for Capistrano 3:
rvm use ruby-2.1.2@cap3 --create
Step 3: Install Capistrano 3, using gem:
gem install capistrano
Step 4: Test Capistrano:
cap -v